Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to make the acquaintance of a very cool, very fly, Daphne Wayans. I found that she has a strong interest in fashion and had attended the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Irvine, California. Now, I am not afraid to admit that I’m no classically trained journalist. I am just the Founder of a tech startup with a background in Motorsport and Action Sports apparel, among other things. I’m normally answering the questions, not asking them. So, with that being said, I decided to have a friendly conversation amongst friends rather than a formal interview. On behalf of Apparl, I’d like to thank Daphne for being such a trooper on an early Saturday morning…
Daphne: Hey, P!
Panama: Hey Daphne aka D-Murda!
Daphne: lol
Panama: Do you consider yourself to be a fashionable woman? The reason why I’m asking this is because the general public, including myself, might think that you are fashionable but that doesn’t necessarily mean YOU think that you are.
Daphne: Well, I do consider myself fashionable, in that I am interested in fashion. I don’t know if you know this but I went to fashion school. So in that sense, I am very into fashion. It’s one of my favorite art forms.
Panama: Oh really? That’s an interesting fun fact for me.
Daphne: See? You’ve got to do your homework, bruh.
Panama: I know right? But freestyling a conversation like this is good for me because I get to learn things about people that I didn’t already know.
Daphne: Yea, you could probably find that on Wikipedia.
Panama: I’m going to do a Wiki search on you. I try not to do a lot of research up front. I might look at a couple of pictures on Google or something like that but I just like to learn about people firsthand. Besides, some of things we read on the Internet might or might not be true. I don’t want to assume, you know? On the other hand, a “little” research would prevent me from asking questions that people have already asked you, right? So, touché.
Panama: Have you ever thought about doing your own line of clothing?
Daphne: Guess what? I have my own e-boutique. I also consult for a few artists. I did a collaboration with a designer named, Marisa Kenson. It’s really a platform to help women, to merge my efforts and brand as a mother, and to venture into Mompreneuring.
Panama: Mompreneuring is definitely a movement that is gaining momentum. What is the link to your Marisa Kenson collaboration website?
Daphne: www.daphnewayansformarisakenson.com
Panama: Do you work with a wardrobe stylist or do you style yourself?
Daphne: No. Not really. I like having a stylist but, not really. I end up doing what I want to do anyway. I’m not like a person that’s unaware of what I like. I don’t use a stylist or designer, you know? They can do the heavy lifting but in the end it’s what I like. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but me.
Panama: There are a lot of people out there that rely heavily on wardrobe stylists. I’ve seen certain folk dress themselves and you know what? They really do need their stylists. I wouldn’t imagine that you would be one of those people.
Daphne: Mmmm Hmmm
Panama: Well if that is the case, where do you get your inspiration?
Daphne: For me, it’s very very personal. It sort of wraps me in my personality and my mood at the time so I tend to have eclectic taste across the board. So sometimes I’m like a “High Fashion Hippie” or a “Haute Hippie”. Is that what they call them? lol
Panama: Yes, I believe so, lol
Daphne: I’ve a wide range. I can be athletic one day or kind of earthy another day. It’s really depends on the mood I’m in.
Panama: Alright, let me ask you something…
Daphne: How are you writing all of this down that fast, P???
Panama: I got it…I got it.
Daphne: Okay, alright. You’re fast.
Panama: Not fast, just sloppy short hand. I’m going to have to clean up my notes when we’re done so I won’t forget, but I got it, young Jedi.
Panama: I know you attend a lot of events and I see you hanging with other women who, by the way, seem to be pretty fashionable as well. How does your style differ from others?
Daphne: I don’t know that it differs. I feel like, in a way, we are like-minded. I can’t really speak on how it compares to others. All I can say is that it is purely, “ME”. I’m never going to be in something that I don’t want to be in, or I don’t feel good in, or doesn’t speak to where I am in that very moment. So that’s probably the only difference, you know? But, I also want to be appropriate for the occasion. So, a lot of times when I’m going to an event I’ll do a little, uh, “enlightenment” on what I’m going to attend, what has been worn in the past, and kind of do my version of that because that’s the thing that makes you feel awkward, right? When you’re like, “Shit, I’m underdressed or overdressed.” I tend to be kind of both. When I’m a little underdressed I will get one accoutrement so it’s fine for me to have a torn up t-shirt if I have on a big, chunky, diamond necklace.
Panama: Who inspired you growing up? Whose style stood out to you?
Daphne: I get a lot of enjoyment and pleasure from magazines. Anytime I want to escape, that’s my amusement park. I like Vogue, especially the Italian Vogue, which is the biggest Vogue. Even though the American Vogue sells more, the truest Vogue is the Italian and European Vogues. I get my pleasure from the magazines. My style queues come from myself and from my heart. I’m a native Angeleno so my fashion sense can be influenced from Los Angeles, maybe? You know, like, I don’t have to follow the rules but I would follow, “Not Wearing White After Labor Day” or not wearing certain colors whenever. I want to be appropriate in the environment. I also keep in mind that I want to have an affect on another person because I’m part of a scene. I’m part of someone else’s environment. So that’s another thing that I can do. Be pleasing to someone else and myself. I don’t want to be a distraction. Not in a bad way. I want to be a good distraction and an inspiration, right? So one of my secondary goals and purposes is as a muse. If I want to be that and inspire others, that comes from what I look like and how I show up because I think that how I show up speaks for me. So when you see me and how I am dressed, you’re like, “Oh ok, that’s how she’s feeling today.”
Panama: Some people are going to read our conversation and wonder how they can be stylish without breaking the bank. Do you have any secrets that you’d care to divulge?
Daphne: They can go to my website and buy some of the things I have. You know, it’s not all about being like someone else but I’m happy to share where and how I got them. The only thing that money gives you is more options. So, you don’t ever have to break the bank. You just have to look a little deeper for what you want. Nowadays, there are so many consignment shops that you can pretty much get what you want.
Panama: True, but you know how it goes. You can say, “Do Your Own Thing”, but there’s still going be people who are going to take their style queues from somebody. So, with that being said, somebody is going to come across your pictures and vid clips on the Internet and think, “I like the way she dresses. I want to get some of the outfits she has.” There’s what About 7.2 Billion people in this world? I’m sure there are some “Daphnites” out there.
Daphne: Ha! “Daphnators”
Panama: Exactly. They could possibly say things like, “I dig those pants that she’s wearing and I want to rock them too! I just don’t know where to find them. Maybe I can find something similar. I hope that she tells us where she shops or gives us more information.”
Daphne: I’m not as hard to reach as people may think. They could just ask me, lol. Just tweet me and ask, “Where did you get those shoes from?”, “Who are they by?” or whatever, you know? Most answers to things are at the tip of your finger at this point.
Panama: Where do you find yourself doing most of your shopping? Department Stores? Online? Thrift Stores?
Daphne: Hell no, P. Not in the mall. I shop at any little boutique. I have my own boutique. I’m just lucky in that way, lol. I usually find what I want and go get it. I browse magazines and look at different designers. I do a lot of online shopping but to be honest, I’m not a big shopper. I don’t find pleasure in walking through the store and looking through racks and racks of clothing with someone there to help me.
Panama: Some people love it. I don’t like running to the mall all the damn time. I go to find something in particular. If I can’t find I there, I will order it online.
Daphne: Same
Visit Daphne Wayans at www.daphnewayans.com
(Mompreneur is a female business owner who is actively balancing the role of a mom and the role of an entrepreneur, as defined by Wiki. I know, right? Ironic).