Welcome to the Apparl blog, “The Showroom”. Creating a company blog is easy. Deciding on what the content will be? Not so easy. There have been many types of blogs that have helped us in the past. There are others that are presently helping us on our road to both personal and business success. The world is full of information and has many different ways of giving you that information. Trying to make pertinent information available to our users can be quite the task, especially in an industry as large as clothing industry. After hours of debating this question, we’ve decided to try and be all things to all people. A one-stop shop of sorts.
This blog will chronicle Apparl’s beginning phases, our triumphs and mistakes, and our first monetary milestone journey to $100K a month in revenue (Shout Out to Alex Turnball, CEO at Groove for the inspiration). It will also feature industry news for everyone’s part of the clothing and other related industries, interviews with our friends and colleagues regarding their fashion sense or obvious lack thereof, advice and insights from industry experts, and we will also put our spotlight on companies, brands, manufacturers, events, and people that we think are worth featuring. We would like to equip our users with the most “How To” content that we can possibly give them to help ensure some level of success within their part of this industry. We shall lead you horses to the water. Tis up to you to do the drinking. What say ye?
Alpatrick “Panama” Golphin
Founder/CEO at Apparl